FINRA Investor Education Foundation Financial Wellness at Work

The FINRA Foundation's Financial Wellness at Work program—administered in collaboration with United Way Worldwide—supports and promotes the implementation of workplace financial wellness initiatives that help employees manage personal and financial challenges that could impact their performance at work. The programs we foster comprise locally available services tailored to meet the financial needs of greatest concern to employers and employees.

The FINRA Foundation's Financial Wellness at Work program—administered in collaboration with United Way Worldwide—supports and promotes the implementation of workplace financial wellness initiatives that help employees manage personal and financial challenges that could impact their performance at work. The programs we foster comprise locally available services tailored to meet the financial needs of greatest concern to employers and employees.

The types of services provided by community-based financial wellness providers may include:

  • a resource coordinator/navigator that is typically available on-site and provides in-person or virtual wrap-around support and referrals tailored to meet individual employee needs
  • financial education workshops on topics including budgeting, debt management, and saving and investing for current and future needs • financial coaching and/or counseling
  • access to safe, affordable small-dollar loans that encourage savings behaviors and help to build or establish credit
  • public benefits screening
  • free tax preparation
  • GED preparation and English Language Learner (ELL) courses

The Financial Wellness at Work program supports nonprofit organizations that partner with employers to implement financial wellness programs. We offer nonprofit leaders and community partners the tools, training, and technical assistance needed to design, implement, and expand workplace financial wellness initiatives.

Contact the FINRA Investor Education Foundation to connect with an organization in your community that may be able to offer financial wellness services to your employees or to find out how to initiate a program in your community.

Nonprofit organizations are also welcome to contact the FINRA Investor Education Foundation for information on free online training, upcoming live training opportunities, research and tools related to the design and implementation of a local employer-sponsored small-dollar loan, opportunities for implementation grant funding, and more.


Phone: 202-728-8438